Not my favorite
Ive hated your style from the beginning, I find your movies boring and stale. But you do have your own style, even if it does suck. Good work on that.
Not my favorite
Ive hated your style from the beginning, I find your movies boring and stale. But you do have your own style, even if it does suck. Good work on that.
What? You lost me. You hate my style, but you like the fact I have one? Um, okay, thanks, I guess. If you think it's boring then don't watch it...or review it either for that matter. Because there are people who like this.
FUCK that last reviewer
I loved it, good stuff man, keep the killin flowin.
Nice Gun
Thats a good M4 if you drew it yourself.
Of course I drew it myself... along with several other weapons, from different perspectives and even in the various states of function. Thank you.
Nice Work
Good style, but unlike everyone else I hated that music. Needs some sound effects and better music, but I love the animations. Good Work
The animation was decent. Some of the lines needed smoothing and shit, but over all i liked it. When Mr. T rolled in that was great hahaha.
I didn't do it, I swear.
Age 40, Male
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
Joined on 5/12/03